FGA stopped receiving physical documents at the headquarter

Following the context due to propagation of Coronavirus Covid-19 in Romania, the management of FGA decided that submission of documents to FGA to be done exclusively through electronic means or through postal services. Thus, personal submission of documents at the headquarter of FGA is no longer accepted. Documents can be submitted through electronic means via e-mail address office@fgaromania.ro

 Postal address of FGA for submission of documents is: 31 Vasile Lascar, postal code 020492, District 2 Bucharest.

This measure is aimed at protection of both employees and of claimants intending to personally submit physical documents at FGA.

As the development of the context generated by Covid-19 will make possible the return to physical reception of documents at the headquarter, FGA will notify about this.

Fondul de Garantare a Asiguraților

s-a constituit ca persoană juridică de drept public conform Legii nr. 213/2015 privind Fondul de Garantare a Asiguraților

București, Romania