The Policyholders Guarantee Fund was established as a legal person of public law in compliance with Law no. 213/2015 regarding the Policyholders Guarantee Fund. The Fund is an insurance guarantee scheme and has the purpose of protecting insurance creditors against the consequences of an insurer’s insolvency.
The Fund effects payment of indemnities/compensation resulting from voluntary and mandatory insurance contracts concluded according to the law, in case of bankruptcy of an insurer, pursuant of the guarantee threshold provided by law, meaning 450.000 lei per one insurance creditor of the bankrupt insurer.
- Starting with September 24 2021, the framework relating to FGA was amended through Government Emergency Ordinance no. 102/2021 for amending and supplementing Law no. 213/2015 on Policyholders Guarantee Fund and other normative acts. Pursuant to the regulatory amendments, starting with September 24 2021, the payments of indemnities/compensation resulting from optional and mandatory insurance contracts, in case of an insurer’s insolvency, are made in compliance with the guarantee threshold provided by law of 500.000 lei per insurance contract of the insurer in winding-up procedure.
The Fund may also carry out the activity of a special administrator in the financial recovery procedure of an insurer, as well as that of a liquidator in the voluntary liquidation procedure of an insurer.
The insurers authorized by the Financial Supervisory Authority, including their branches carrying out activity on the territory of another member state of the European Union, are required to pay contribution to the Fund, compliant with Law no. 213/2015.